
Author: JMDerech / Labels: ,

Parshas Vayishlach
By: DG
The Conflict Within

Each and every one of us experiences a conflict within us. A conflict so intense, it can alter our thought process… if we allow it too. This conflict, this evil, which lingers inside of us, has a name. Its name is, Yetzer Hara.

The battle against the yetzer hara is never-ending. One can always feel it keeping us down, removing us from the right path, and eating away at us. It may seem impossible to fight an enemy of its caliber. However, that’s simply not true; one must pinpoint the exact powers that the yetzer hara holds, subsequently, a defense can be prepared.

The first thing one must know is that the yetzer hara is two-pronged, and that it even has names. The Yetzer Hara of Lavan, and the Yetzer Hara of Aisav.

Lavan was a man of corruption. He believed that man is the ultimate power, and the only thing stopping man, is another man. This concept is clearly not a Jewish one. For we as Jews, believe in doing our hishtadlus, but ultimately, Hashem rules the world and takes care of us.

The way the yetzer hara of Lavan works, would be for example: If I make a mistake, it’s my entire fault. If I succeed, it was my entire doing. This yetzer hara is entirely intellectual. Lavan’s goal is to cripple our bitachon and emunah in Hashem, which are both completely intellectual. Coincidentally, what attributes make a person grow in their yiddishkeit the most? Emunah and Bitachon.

Aisav was a man of savagery. He believed in solving all his problems by physically destroying his enemies. He had no need to think deeply about anything. This concept too, is not a Jewish one. For we as Jews, use tefillah, a very intellectual solution to our problems.

The way the yetzer hara of Aisav works, would be for example: “I’m not intellectual; I’ll just bash or forget about everything in my way. Sure, I believe there is Hashem, but I have no need for Him in my life. I’ll learn shas, go to yeshiva, and daven three times a day, however, I won’t ingrain the actual learning into my life. Once I get out of yeshiva, I’ll go do as many avairos as possible, simply because, the Jewish stuff doesn’t fit into my schedule, and I just don’t care. I’ll make my father think I am his little Talmud Chacham, but really, in my heart, I’m a faker.”

What is one to do? From where can we find the strength to battle such enemies? Well, baruch Hashem, we have a gift, or middah, that Yaakov Avinu passed down to us. That gift is the will to fight and vanquish evil, no matter what the circumstance may be. We all know too well, how Klal Yisrael, is always fighting to exist, sometimes barely hanging on by a thread. However, thanks to Yaakov, each and every one of us has that spark in our neshamas to withstand our oppressors. The best idea would be to conquer Lavan first, for once your intellect is clear, you can defeat the physical Aisav all the better.

In conclusion, next time you feel the yetzer hara of Lavan or Aisav gnawing at you, remember your forefather, Yaakov, a man who stood up to the real Lavan and Aisav. May we all one day, conquer our Yetzer Hara, and by doing so, merit to see Moshiach, Bimheira Viyameinu, Amein. Gut Shabbos.


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