Parshas Vayera
By: DG
The Power of Chesed

We know from Pirkei Avos that Chesed is one of the three things the world stands on. We also know that Avraham Avinu was known as the “father of chesed.”

To demonstrate how powerful chesed can be, let’s compare it to rachmanos. Everyone knows Noach was a great man. He followed HaShem’s will, and completed his tasks to the fullest extent. However, if we take a closer look at Noach, we realize he was a man of rachmanos, not chesed. How does one describe rachmanos? Rachmanos equals, reactive, to give when needed, which is very good. However, let’s compare that to chesed, which equals, proactive, to search for people to give too, even when not needed.

Let us further define these two middah’s. The Maharal states: The difference between Noach and Avraham Avinu was that, HaShem led Noach, as opposed to Avraham, who walked in front of HaShem. In other words, Noach needed help to stay on the proper derech. Avraham was capable of walking that derech on his own. What’s the difference between HaShem leading you, and following you? The Maharal continues: HaShem surrounded Noach, so therefore it was impossible for evil to penetrate him. On the other hand, HaShem often tested Avraham, he did not have HaShem surrounding him during those times. Interestingly enough, it was not until the eighth test, when HaShem told Avraham to walk in front of him. HaShem knew at that point that Avraham no longer needed His protective shield.

Rav Eliyahu Dessler, in Sefer Mechtav MiEliyahu writes: There is something higher than feeling HaShem is by your side. There is Avodas HaShem, the act of seeking more ways to serve HaShem, and to be by His side.

We learn from Gemara Shabbos, that hachnasas orchim is greater than prophecy. It states that Avraham interrupted talking to HaShem, when he saw a wayfarer that needed help. Almost as if he were saying, “hold on HaShem, I have to go help someone.” From this we learn how powerful Gemilus Chassadim is; it precedes receiving prophecy from HaShem.

started and ended the Torah with acts of chesed. In Bereishis, HaShem gave Chava to Adam, by escorting her to the chuppah. He could have sent malachim to do so, but he wanted to show how important chesed is. In V’zos Habracha, HaShem personally buried Moshe Rabbeinu, even though Klal Yisrael would have been more than willing to do so.

In conclusion, next time you see someone in need of a helping hand, don’t think twice. Be like Avraham, and uphold this beautiful world. From these simple acts of chesed, may we all merit to see Moshiach, Bimheira Viyameinu Amein. Good Shabbos!


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