Lech Lecha

Author: JMDerech / Labels: ,

Parshas Lech Lecha
By: DG
"Being Honest With One's Self"

To catch up those who did not learn the parsha yet, In this week’s parsha, the first war in the world takes place. After an intense battle between the kings, Lot, Avraham’s nephew from Sidome, was captured by the four kings. When Og, the only king who escaped, found Avraham, he informed him of the capture of his nephew.

After Avraham was approached for help by the king of Sidom. He agreed to join him in battle to save his nephew Lot. They battled the four kings which represented the four golios (exiles). Avraham defeated the kings and formed an alliance with the king of Sidome. The king of Sidome offered him his share of the treasures that were captured. Avraham declined saying, “not even a thread or shoelace.”

The Medrash teaches through Avraham's words, “not even a thread or shoelace;” that HaShem then gave him the mitzvah which involves shoelaces; the mitzvah of chalitza.
Why would a man choose the option of chalitza? He chooses it because he is being honest with himself. He knows what madrega (level) he is on, and from that he knows that he’s not on the madrega where he can marry his sister-in-law purely for the mitzvah.

The key to success in yiddishkeit and life is to not fake it. What derech (path) you are on right now is where you are supposed to be. For example, if you’re considering marriage, you have to be honest with your potential spouse. You can’t say things about yourself that are dishonest or misleading. True, your goal is to grow together eventually, but don’t fool him or her now by pretending to be someone you are not.

So, in conclusion, just like Avraham, we are all fighting a war. However, the war we are fighting exists inside of us; the war of honesty. We must first be honest with ourselves about who we are, and only then, can we be prepared for battle. May we all overcome these battles and bring the times of Moshiach, Bimheira Viyameinu, Amein.


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