
Author: JMDerech / Labels: ,

Pesach 5769
By: DG
"The Renewal of the Sun and the Achdus of the Jewish People."

Pesach, a holiday of redemption! This time around, something miraculous will be occurring. I’m sure you’ve all heard of it by now, its called Birchas Hachama (Blessing of the sun). This blessing is recited once every twenty-eight years, when the sun is “at the exact place it occupied on the fourth day of Creation on the same day and at the same hour that the sun began to shine in the primordial heavens” (ArtScroll).

You may ask, what is so special about this event? Its not like it’s unexpected. We know that every twenty-eight years this happens, and its been happening since the beginning of time. If this is the case, then what about this year’s Birchas Hachama is so special?

This year the blessing is occurring on the Eve of Pesach. And according to some sources, Birchas Hachama has occurred only twice before on the Eve of Pesach. When were these times? Yitzias Mitzrayim (Redemption from Egypt) and Purim (Redemption from Persia). Following both redemption's, our people, the Jewish people, rebuilt the Beis Hamikdash (Temple).

The corruption of the world nowadays is in plain view. Everyone is able to see the downfall of the world’s economy (i.e. Stock Market); the destruction of the populace (i.e. global warming); the moral corruption (i.e. Madoff). The world is falling apart in accordance with Hashem’s will.
The only thing that keeps us going as a people is our achdus (unity). During these stressful times, we must stick together no matter where we’re from. “Frummies”, “Off the derech”; the name-calling has to stop. The important thing to remember is where we all originate. Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov; these are the only names in which importance should be found.

This year, when Birchas Hachama occurs, stand together with the rest of your Jewish brethren and recite the brachaBaruch Atah Hashem, Elokainu Melech Haolam, Oseh Ma’aseh Viraishis”; “who performs the act of creation”,
and take these words to heart. We were all created in “Hashem’s image” (Genesis 1:26), and we need to be acting like one people. Am Yisrael, Kulanu Kiechad! (The Jewish people are like one!). May we all merit the final redemption, bishah tovah (in the right time) and the rebuilding of Hashem’s holy temple, the Beis Hamikdash, bimheira v'yameinu, amein! (speedily in our days, amein).